Active Duty Military


Atlas Research is supporting the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Innovation (VACI) by providing program support and coordination for its REACH-VET rollout, a program that introduces a new predictive analytics tool that proposes to predict Veterans who are high-risk for suicide.

Atlas Research is working with the MyVA Performance Improvement (PI) Office to apply Lean and Six Sigma (LSS) methodologies to processes that add value and are customer and Veteran-centric.

By providing the Interagency Care Coordination Committee with policy and process development and technical assistance, Atlas Research supports improved care for Service Members and their families as they transition between DoD and VA and into the civilian community.

As the VA National Center for PTSD looks back to celebrate 25 years of PTSD research, education, and treatment, it looks forward with a refreshed and contemporary brand presence.

By reframing training for new Veterans based on their learning wants and needs, more than 300,000 Service Members will receive an improved learning experience as they transition to civilian life.   

Atlas Research works with the Veterans Health Administration's (VHA) Office of Community Care (OCC) to establish a governance structure and provide program management support for the department’s transition and high-priority community care programs.

To share important information with Veterans, caregivers, and clinicians, Atlas Research used infographics to convey evidence-based content about PTSD symptoms and treatment in an interesting and easily understood visual format.

Atlas Research is supporting VA transition from one Presidential administration to the next through program support, coordination, and analysis.

Atlas Research is supporting the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Program Executive Office (PEO) by providing a range of services to review and evaluate Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives (ACWA) health and safety documents to support the construction, systemization, operation, and closure of ACWA facilities as well as provide medical support to the chemical surety programs at selected storage installation medical facilities.

Atlas Research is supporting the District of Columbia’s No Wrong Door (NWD) System to help implement a coordinated, District-wide, NWD System that will support all DC residents in need of Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and their families, regardless of where they enter the system.


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