Atlas Research Co-Hosts Webinar Addressing Caregiver Challenges in Hispanic Multigenerational Homes

March 5, 2015

Atlas Research, the Easter Seals Dixon Center, and other partners presented a Spanish-language webinar Thursday, March 5th for Spanish-speaking caregivers of Veterans.  While it was the first installment aimed directly at Spanish speakers, the webinar represents a continuing effort to bolster military caregiver education, a goal identified through a RAND needs assessment study commissioned by the Elizabeth Dole Foundation. 

This RAND study also found that 12.2 percent of military caregivers are Hispanic. The webinar, Caregiver Challenges in a Hispanic Multigenerational Home, aimed to provide support for this important subsection of the military caregiver community. The discussion centered on navigating the often complex family dynamics encountered by caregivers living in multigenerational homes.

Speakers included Alina Johnson, RN, a bilingual trainer for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) National Veterans Caregiver Training Program, Izabelle Meda-Gibson, Elizabeth Dole Foundation caregiver fellow and military caregiver, and Vigmalia Perez-Calo, MSW, caregiver coordinator for the VA Caregiver Support Program.

For more information on past and future webinars in both Spanish and English visit or email or