Veteran and Military Health


Atlas Research is working with the MyVA Performance Improvement (PI) Office to apply Lean and Six Sigma (LSS) methodologies to processes that add value and are customer and Veteran-centric.

Atlas Research is supporting the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) by creating high-feasibility/high-impact solutions for immediate implementation to support VA modernization efforts and initiatives.

Atlas Research supported the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) by creating and delivering a national training program for the 400 formerly homeless Veterans hired by VA to help other homeless Veterans find employment. 

Atlas Research is supporting the District of Columbia’s No Wrong Door (NWD) System to help implement a coordinated, District-wide, NWD System that will support all DC residents in need of Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and their families, regardless of where they enter the system.

Atlas Research supports the VHA Women’s Health Services by providing data analysis, project management, and implementation assistance to improve comprehensive health care for women Veterans.

Atlas Research worked with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Capitol Health Care Network to expand physical and occupational services by establishing three new VA rehabilitative outpatient clinics in West Virginia.

While Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) research has made great strides in recent years, there remains much to be examined. Atlas Research is supporting the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) through an investigation and pilot study regarding meditation as a treatment modality for Veterans diagnosed with PTSD.

Atlas Research worked to reduce the cost and lost productivity associated with existing workers’ compensation claims within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) through effective case management and large scale evaluation services.

Atlas Research is helping design and implement strategy for one of the Under Secretary’s top five priorities, the diffusion of best practices.

Atlas Research supports the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Veterans Experience Office (VEO) by creating processes, procedures, and models to help design the Longitudinal Veteran Record (LVR) using Enterprise Customer Data Management (ECDM).


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