Helping Inform Title X Family Planning Sites Decision- Making on PrEP Service Offerings


As the only federal program dedicated solely to providing family planning and related reproductive health services, the Title X program provides a broad range of family planning methods and services to individuals who need them the most. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is becoming increasingly important as a HIV prevention strategy to protect those individuals who are at most risk of acquiring HIV. However, uptake of PrEP among populations who could potentially benefit the most has been limited. Title X family planning service sites are in a prime position to advance HIV prevention practices given their ability to offer frontline care in communities across the country. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Population Affairs (OPA) needs to develop a clear understanding of the key decision-making factors for Title X sites considering PrEP service implementation and work to develop a set of solutions and tools to aid sites during the decision-making process.


OPA contracted Atlas Research to provide evidence-based decision-making tool development, pilot testing, and training and dissemination activities around using the tool. These activities will provide data to support evidence regarding organizational decision-making as it relates to PrEP provision for Title X sites. The Atlas Team supports OPA by developing an evidence-based decision-making tool for Title X sites considering offering PrEP services. The decision-making tool is informed by literature reviews, environmental scans, discussions with key stakeholders, and informational interviews. The Atlas Team is also implementing a pilot project with Title X sites across the country, in states including New York, Georgia and Colorado, to obtain feedback on the guide from administrators and providers in family planning settings.


The Atlas Team’s evidence-based tool development and dissemination activities are helping OPA support the provision of effective HIV prevention services. Through this project, Title X family planning sites are able to make informed decisions about their role in expanding access to PrEP services.